Getting to the venue:
From London
Leave London on the M4, drive approximately 100 miles west and exit at Junction 17 onto the A429 signposted Malmesbury. Approaching Malmesbury, continue straight across 2 roundabouts. After the water tower, watch out for left-hand turning (B4014) signposted Tetbury.
From Cardiff
Leave Cardiff and take the M4 towards London. Exit at Junction 18. Take the A46 towards Stroud. Take the A433 towards Tetbury and Didmarton. On entering Tetbury, take the B4014 signposted Malmesbury and the Hospital. The venue is just past the hospital on the left.
From the North
Follow the M5 to exit 13 signposted Stroud. From Stroud take the A46 through Nailsworth. Tetbury is clearly sign posted.
By Train
The nearest station is Kemble, near Cirencester. You can call a taxi to meet you and bring you to The Great Tythe Barn.
Tetbury is about 20 miles from Bath, Bristol, Gloucester, Cheltenham and Swindon.
The Tythe Barn and accommodation are situated next to Tetbury Hospital and only about 10 minutes walk from the town on the B4014 Malmesbury to Tetbury Road.
Look out for the large distinctive illuminated sign by the roadside which reads The Great Tythe Barn & Tythe House.